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Couple in Mediation

Vacation Consulting

We realize that not all potential clients know exactly what they want.  That's okay!  If you don't know where to start we would be more than happy to work with you and educate you.  If you require even more TLC we are available by appointment to sit with you and help you navigate your way through the waters (pun intended).

Insurance Agent

Wedding Registry Services

When you know that you have it all, let your wedding guests pay for your honeymoon! It's a growing trend where guests know that you don't need pots and pans so they pay a portion of your honeymoon cost as their gift to you. I will work with you to decide on your perfect honeymoon and then I will work with your family and friends to get it paid for... in the end you'll receive your documents and reciepts. You'll be sent off in style! Ask for details!

Compass & Map


We are  a creative and professional collaborative, directed by Teri Price. With over 30 years of working in media, marketing, business management, and sales, our Media Partners excel at understanding all aspects of your business. Along with our associates, we are a diverse grouping of creative writers, graphic designers, media advertising specialists, and sales professionals. We develop and implement plans utilizing traditional and social media so our clients increase sales.

Our Services Include


Website Development

Interactive & Social Media pages

Monitoring and updating packages

Designing advertising and Marketing Material

Original concepts to fit your small businesses needs

Conference Calls

Planning and Research


Budgeting Strategies

Compass & Map


Small business owners use networking as a means to form relationships with others, in like or related fields, that help to expand their business' ability to find new customers, partner and grow.

A key element to effective networking is to make you known.  The premise being that the more people you meet, the more people there will be to get to know and remember both you and your business. You should use every professional and social opportunity to meet and connect with new people.


Here are some key reasons that clearly outline why networking is important for small business.

1. Business Leads

Networking is a great way to acquire new business leads.  Using the contacts you make when you meet people can open doors for business opportunities.

Communicate professionally when you follow up on leads. People want to help others but aren’t interested in someone badgering them for business. Be sensitive to timing and use common courtesy when following up with contacts.

2. Identify Best Practices

Networking is a great way to identify business best practices or industry benchmarks. Learning from what others do is a valuable strategy for all businesses.

For example, if you own a restaurant and you belong to a restaurant association, you can find out what the latest software programs are or employee management practices that you can bring back to your own business.

3. New Business Trends

Networking can help you stay on the cutting edge of technology and new business trends.  These types of relationships and “inside” information can give you an advantage over your competitors by implementing new and fresh ways of doing things.

Having said all of this, networking is a skill and some people are just naturally more gifted at mingling with people they don’t know and making friends on first contact.

Practice being friendly and learn the art of striking up conversations.  Learn the trick to remembering people’s names that you meet.  Get a system; write something specific about a person on the back of their business card so you can remember them when you get back to your office.

4. Increased Confidence

By regularly networking, and pushing yourself to talk to people you don’t know, you will get increased confidence the more you do this. This is really important as a business owner, because your business growth is very dependant on talking to people and making connections.

Networking is great for people that aren’t confident as it really pushes them to grow and learn how to make conversations and lasting connections with people they don’t know.

5. Connections

“It’s not WHAT you know, but WHO you know”. This old adage is absolutely true when it comes to building successful business. To grow your small business quickly you will need to have a strong source of relevant connections in your network that you can call on when you need them.

Networking can open the door to talk to highly influential people that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to easily talk to or find.

It’s not just about who you are networking with directly either – that person will already have a network you can tap into as well. So ask the right questions to find out if the person you are networking with knows who you want to know!

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